The Empress
The Empress is a number III. in the Major Arcana of the classical tarot. The Empress is a femininity card. In a reading, this card in an upright position calls upon the connection of your feminine side. This can be translated in many ways such as creativity, sensuality, elegance, fertility, nurturing and other feminine traits. She emphasises to be kind to yourself and search for beauty and happiness in your life.

The Empress usually brings a strong burst of creative and artistic energy. This energy can be expressed as an art project or other creative activity of some sort, or other forms of self expression in an artistic way.
My interpretation in the context of this project
For me, this card symbolises my mom's full potential. Sometimes she forgets she is a beautiful woman and she should be treated as one.

I gave her a choice, while working on this project, because it is important for her to connect with the cards that are meant to represent her. I gave her three options for a card that I believed would represent her the best from the Major Arcana, options were The High Priestess, Strength and The Empress. Without fully knowing the meaning of each card, she chose The Empress to represent her based on intuition.

This is why The Empress in this deck has my mom's face, because this deck was created specifically for her.
Design choices
If you look at the other cards from the selection on the main page, they are all animated. This is the only stable card in the deck.

I purposefully left The Empress to be stable, because this card is meant to signify stability and one of the only solid things my mom has in her life - being an outstanding, beautiful woman. That is never going to change and so I wanted to keep it as simple as possible with no moving parts, because symbolism is incredibly important in tarot.
Denisa Novotná · You're The Reason Original
You're The Reason - original
This is the original track I recorded for my mom over 5 years ago. I was young and had written my first ever song so keep in mind it is not perfect but it is a perfect summary of how I see my mom and how our relationship is.