Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords in general context signifies an older woman who steps forward when you are vulnerable to protect you and help you overcome the problem you are facing. It can also represent intelligence, honesty, and a sharp-witted person. This card can bring you back to earth and help you be more realistic.
My interpretation in the context of this project
This card is a vulnerability, but also a protection card. My mom was always there to protect me and my brother when we needed her or she would just simply be a shoulder we could always cry on.

This is also a reminder for her, she is allowed to be vulnerable and want to be protected by someone other than herself.
Design choices
My mom always loved butterflies and they were a signification of something beautiful and hopeful for her, that better things are coming.

I love how this card turned out, especially the glowing animation. It is again a simple card, but I did not want to overwhelm the design and get the meaning behind it completely lost.