Two Of Wands
The Two of Wands usually signifies having two paths in your life. This can be interpreted in metaphysical and metaphorical, but can also be taken literally. This card is about personal power and travelling. It can be indicator of a withdrawal and detachment from a space.
My interpretation in the context of this project
I really played into the symbolism of two paths. I chose to do the brain and the heart - the rational and the emotional.

As a single mom, majority of the time my mom has to put the rational in front of the emotional and I feel like the symbolism just fits to the narrative of the card.

Now, with moving houses, she chose the emotional and I am so proud of her decision and I could not support her more than I already do in the decision.
Design choices
I am so happy with how the design turned out on this card. I love the minimalism of the heart but the complexity of the brain. The symbolic meaning behind it makes it so much better.

The animation is quite simple, yet effective to symbolise the passing time, but the bigger structures don't move and that is sometimes how it is in life. All the elements in all the cards of this deck are through through because of how important symbolism in tarot is.